• Symmetrical Layout

    Symmetrical Layout

  • Low distortion and noise

    Low distortion and noise

  • Single main board with no wiring looms

    Single main board with no wiring looms

  • High quality, high reliability design

    High quality, high reliability design

  • Forced cooling

    Forced cooling

  • Near silent operation

    Near silent operation

  • Home

Chevin Research was established in 1989 with its headquarters in Otley, West Yorkshire. Initially the company designed equipment for the laboratory/scientific market. During this period, the company developed and proved the compact and lightweight Chevin power supply — small enough to fit in the palm of the hand.

In 1992, Chevin launched its A Series range of hand-made, high-spec audio amplifiers incorporating its innovative power supply. Designed specifically for the professional user, A Series amplifiers offer outstanding sonic performance, build quality and reliability in a compact and lightweight package.
Since then, the company has launched the S Series, a range of bipolar transistor amplifiers designed for PA applications in the touring and fixed installation market along with the LINE Series, a range of music quality 100v/70v line amplifiers.
Chevin Research has emerged a global player in the Pro Audio marketplace, providing audio professionals with a comprehensive range of high performance amplifier products for a variety of audio applications.
Chevin amplifiers enjoy an unequalled reputation for sonic performance, reliability and longevity. The sonic performance is of such a high standard that the amplifiers are as successful in studio monitoring applications as in fixed installation and on the road. Reliability is among the best in the industry, with a failure rate below 2%. The standard lifetime of a Chevin amplifier is over 10 years.
Add to this power-to-weight ratios that are among the best in the business: power ratings from 600 to 8000 wpc stereo, mono & quad are housed in a 2U&3U 12k/27.5lbs chassis.
Chevin products are distributed worldwide, with over 60% of sales to export markets



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